Posts by: jsndavis

Bullet Case: People v. De Long (1970) 11 Cal. App. 3d 786

Bullet Case: People v. De Long (1970) 11 Cal. App. 3d 786

Bullet Case is a feature of Davis & Associates that provides summaries and highlights of key cases relating to firearms laws.  These cases are provided for historical and educational purposes only. Commentary: This case relates to  former Penal Code section 12031(e), currently codified as Penal Code section 25850(b) – which provides law enforcement the right to examine a firearm (if possessed in…read more →

Licensee Tip # 1: Audio & Video Surveillance

Licensee Tip # 1: Audio & Video Surveillance

Owning and operating a business in California is hard enough.  But for law abiding firearms dealership, range, etc. is nearly impossible.  Keeping up with federal, state, and local regulations and laws is hard enough, but such businesses face daily security risks as well.  To kick off this Licensee Tip series, I thought it appropriate to address the one area of…read more →

Bullet Case: United States v. Vongxay (2010) 594 F.3d 1111

Bullet Case: United States v. Vongxay (2010) 594 F.3d 1111

Bullet Case is a feature of Davis & Associates that provides summaries and highlights of key cases relating to firearms laws.  These cases are provided for historical and educational purposes only. Bullet Case: ›Felon restrictions are permissible even under heightened scrutiny. ›It does not matter if their offense was violent in nature. ›A felon has shown a disregard for the rights of…read more →

Gun Owner Tip #1: Border Buys

Gun Owner Tip #1: Border Buys

We all know that California has some of, if not the, most restrictive firearm laws within the United States.  And, for many, it is tempting to avoid these laws by crossing the border of California and entering the “free states” (Nevada, Arizona, etc.) for the purposes of buying some firearm accessories and/or firearms (with an “out-of-state”ID) that are more stringently…read more →

Top Ten FFL Tips

Top Ten FFL Tips

TOP TEN TIPS TO PROTECT YOUR FFL 1: Take Your Time Slow Down!!!!  Take your time with each sale of a firearm.  The required forms must be perfect.  All it takes is one bad habit or one really careless mistake to lose your license.  Go over each form 4473, DROS, and all the other required documentation carefully to ensure that you and…read more →

Tear Away Business Card

Tear Away Business Card

California is notorious for their perplexing and convoluted firearm laws, each of which must be read in conjunction with the federal and local laws.  Often, active members of the firearms community know more about the details of these laws than their law enforcment counterparts.  As we have seen on many occasions, law enforcement officers often decide to err on the…read more →